Donald Reichardt
Writes Crime!
Milton Holiday Market - Wednesday, Dec 04, 2024 - 3:30-6:30 PM
Had a great time signing books at the Milton Library Holiday Market. One customer picked up five books to give as gifts. (See photo in "Happenings.") BOOKS DO MAKE GREAT GIFTS.

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“When dream job turns to nightmare…”

Corporate financial misdeeds. Rampant rumors of Mafia presence in the executive suite. A marriage on the rocks and a boss who demands blind loyalty. Max Brusca didn't expect any of those surprises when he landed a cushy officer position with Paltroy Industries in New York City. But what appeared to be an exciting and prestigious opportunity in the Big Apple financial district turns his life upside down. With help from an inside company source and an emerging romantic interest with Wall Street Chronicle reporter Greta Hughes, Max attempts to untangle fact from rumor. But every move he makes turns up the heat. By coming too close to the truth, he finds himself a hunted man. A suspenseful crime thriller and love story wrapped into one. Available here (signed), on (paperback, Kindle) and on order at bookstores.


“…Too much ain’t enough.”

Suave, intelligent, small-town Kansas boy Will Martin becomes entangled in doomed Ponzi schemes and investment frauds. Based on a true story,The Third Gate to Hell follows Martin's ambitious business career from modest beginnings to his rise to the top of the mountain amid the high-flying, “wild west” savings and loan scandals of the Eighties.

Others retreat when the industry implodes, but Will uses his natural charm and persuasive personality to continue chasing a dream of riches, plunging him down a path toward self-destruction.


The Grace Gleason Files

Donald Reichardt joined co-author Joyce Oscar to launch The Grace Gleason Files, crime thrillers inspired by true events. Justice on Hold finds TV crime reporter Grace Gleason embroiled in a murder investigation. The Blue Wall (a 2016 finalist in the prestigious Next Generation Indie Book Awards), follows her attempts to unravel drug crimes and a mysterious robbery ring. In Unholy Mind Games, Grace challenges unscrupulous religious leaders, making her fear for her life and question her faith.


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